Name: Kunio Nakajima
Birthday: January 6
Residence: Tokyo, Japan
1976-79 Lived in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah)
Graduate of: Azabu HS, class of 1987 - Calhoun HS (Texas) & Waseda Univ.@School of Human Sciences - Majored in Behavioral Studies
1992-96 Account Executive at McCANN-ERICKSON Japan
1996-97 Manager, Office of President at HYPERNET Inc.
1997-2000 International Account Director at Hakuhodo:LINTAS/Lowe Lintas & Partners
- Dec. 2001 Bates WorldWide/Bates Yomiko Strategic Planning Dept.
2002- onward Martial Arts / NEO (New Entertainment Oriented) Fusion Musical Actor
5 ft. 8 inches / 132 lbs.
Blood Type: B (Rh+)
Specialties: Ski / Snowboarding / Karate / Computer / Foreign Languages
Hobbies: Scuba Dive / Guitar / Motorcycle / Automobile
Sports: Fencing / Swimming / Judo
Judo: 1st Degree Black Belt
(Kunio's Show Biz (?) History)
- Neltun (CX-Nov.,'90)
- ASIA BAGUS!(Singapore/Malaysia/Indonesia/Japanj October 1993 Monthly Champion
- June 5, 1995 NIPPON CROWN RECORDS "TURN OVER-Peacock Version" (Omnibus CD released)
September 28, 2001 "Economics Entertainment - TV Tokyo 'Shacho Shikkaku' On-Air
November 14, 2002-January 9, 2003 Acting at Fusion Musical@Club Asia in Shibuya, Tokyo
Sound Sample "Wanna be the Wind"(Original Song)